- 发布于:2025-01-01 04:13:33
- 来源:JRS直播吧
ON PLAYING WITH 'APPROPRIATE FEAR' AMIDST CLEVELAND'S SUCCESS:"You still respect whoever you're playing. Yeah we're roling, we're doing good things, but at the end ofthe day, no game is an easy game. Understanding that because we are doing what we're doing, we'regonna get everybody's best shot every night. Understand we gotta be prepared, we're not bigger thananything else. Wve gotta continue to stay humble and stay who we are. Understand that this is, l'm alwayslilke this with y'al, but it's stil December. We stil got time to get better, figure things out, we're not perfectby far. So l think the biggest thing is having appropriate fear for each team, having appropriate respectand understanding that just because you get to big leads doesn't mean the game's over with. justcontinue to play and build our habits and do what we've been doing."
ON HIS THIRD QUARTER BURST:"l've seen it a few times against Steph (Curry) after playing him a bunch of times, that this is kind of the quarter where he tends to try to be more aggressive. So for me, you try to hit first in that regard, and itworked out. But also, it wasn't just me. My teammates got me up and we got stops. But for me, whenyou have a guy like that on the other side, you have a team like that who's had third quarters the waythey've had, you gotta try to hit first especially and come and set the tone for the game. l'm trying to pickmy spots, like l always said DG (Darius Garland) had it going early, so kinda figuring it out, and thenwhen it's time to go, it's time to go."
ON HIS RESPONSIBILITY AS A YOUNGER STAR IN THE NBA:"l think for us, just continuing to play high-level basketball. l think there's always going to be discourse there's always gonna be something to be talked about, and l think for us, just continue to play high-leve basketbal. lit's not like we're not. l think the biggest thing, for us, is to continue to carry the game. You look at the last game here on Christmas. Christmas was a hell of a day, l think every game was finishing I think two or three points. Just continuing to play high-level basketball, but there's always going to be discourse, there's always going to be something to be said about different things, but that's all you cando. Just continue to, like l said, be positive about the game. l love this game, it's been able to take careof me and my family, but l also love putting on a show for the fans that support it, l know we all do, andthat's what's most important."
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